Manifesto for Radical ResponseAbility

Brigitte A M Kupfer
2 min readMay 27, 2019
  1. I know that we are living in an energetically charged crisis moment which calls for disrupting current destructive relational patterns.
  2. I know I am living in a patriarchal-capitalist societal structure.
  3. I know this structure is subtly and actively working against trust in and between people, is poisoning relational spaces, fragmenting society and is making life hell for many.
  4. By being open to the pain in the world and contributing to the healing of trans-generational and collective trauma I do observe how many of us are not aware of our own contribution to perpetuating the structures which we intend to transform.
  5. I do know that these structures are in me as well as around me and that these structures of organised lovelessness have grown over thousands of years of misogyny.
  6. I accept that I am responsible for changing these structures in myself and in my relationships for the benefit of the next generation(s) and all life.
  7. The focus of my work is to co-create spaces of trust which allow the basic elements of a nurturing and mature society to emerge, connect and spread.
  8. My aim is to co-create relational spaces which stretch across my personal and professional interactions and do not split me into a private and public (or professional) self. I need to be whole. We need to be whole.
  9. Therefore I ask all collaborators to bring awareness to the relational space we create together, and to take responsibility for shaping mutually beneficial power structures.
  10. At this time of transition we must prepare for trouble. We need to open up new spaces for healing and learn to be with our own and others’ grief and distress. Without commitment to a world our hearts know is possible, distraction and exhaustion cause us to fall back into familiar but destructive patterns of domination and submission. Practices for radical wholeness and radical response-ability are the requirements for humanity to transform into a species which is able to co-create the relational spaces for future generations and all life to thrive.

